

Requirements for volunteering with Wags n Wiggles:

  • Must be at least 18 years old without a parent or guardian
  • Children under 18 years old can volunteer while accompanied by a parent/guardian (10 years of age and above)
  • Complete volunteer application and waiver form (on site)
  • Attend a personalized volunteer training
  • Volunteer Opportunities are the following:
    • Shifts (max 2 hours when we are full, average is 60 minutes with a helper), 4x per day. This includes walking, feeding, medication, updating logs, cleaning kennels/bowls/bedding
    • Extended dog walking, take them on the Sugar Rail Trail, or for longer hikes and swimming
    • Dog training and socialization activities
    • Tenured volunteers are able to foster
    • Grant Writing
    • Event Planning
    • Board Membership
    • VLOG/Youtube Channel Maintenance
Volunteer Application
Welcome and thank you for expressing interest in becoming involved with Wags and Wiggles Rescue! Volunteer Requirements: Must be at least 18 years old without a parent or guardian Children under 18 years old can volunteer while accompanied by a parent/guardian Complete volunteer application and waiver form Phone number is required Attend a volunteer orientation class or webinar Volunteer Opportunities: Cleaning kennels, feeding, grooming Dog walking, training and socialization Front counter person during open hours, filing and other office work Transport dogs Fundraising activities Fostering Future adopter screening Home visits Our Contact Information: Wags & Wiggles 51 John Stark Hwy, Newport, NH 603-863-5683 [email protected]

Click to proceed to our volunteer application